Daily Routines


                  Daily Activities at Home

Daily Routines in English

My daily routine

Answer 1, 
I wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning and do my dailychores. Then by 7:30 AM, I go to my gym and workout for one& a half hours. Then by 9:30 AM, I have my breakfast andtill 11 o’clock I watch two programmes on Star world, whichare 1. How I met with your mother, and 2. The Simpsons.After that I help my father in his work and by 2:00 PM Ihave my lunch. After eating my lunch I take a small nap, forhalf an hour. In the evening, I listen music or I also watchmy collection of videos. I have collected many clips of myfavourite football club, which is Liverpool FC and I reallylike to watch it. I also have a habit of reading fitnessmagazines and I usually read them in the evening. At around7:00 PM I drink tea and after that I again watch TV till mydinner is cooked. Around 9:00 PM I have my dinner and afterthat if I am not doing anything, I go to bed at around 12o’clock.(1 minute 3 seconds) 
Answer 2, 

Well, I get up at 7.00 in the morning. Then I get fresh by 7.15 am. Later on I take brush and clean my teeth and gargle with luke warm water then i wash my mouth. Later on I go the shop to buy the milk in order to make the tea by 9 am. By going for buying the milk i walk arond 500 meters daily. Later on I come to the home and start on making tea by 9.15 then I have tea and read newspaper by 10 am. I open the television and keep on watching the news and programmes tlll an hour. Then i switch the TV and open my friend's lappy and have a search of walkins and apply for jobs in Naukri and Monster by 11.45.

Answer 3, 

I wake up early in the morning at around 5:30 .I follow my daily routine then i go for a morning walk. I come back home at around 7:30a.m .then i prepare my breakfast and i have it.At around 9:30 i leave home for the office.In office i do work which are given to me.I come back home at around 6:00 clock in the evening .After freshen up, i take evening tea .After that i spend 2 hrs. with my friends. i cook food ,i have it, and go off to the bed..........Thats all. 
Answer 4,

me i wake up at 6 am, i have my ablations done,i go to gymat 7am, once i back from gym i have my breakfast,after thati go to college at 8:30, i would be back at 1:30pm,i have mylunch, i watch ellen show in the star world at 2:00pm, i goto tuitions and i would be back at 7:00pm, i take rest forsome time and i have my dinner at 10:00pm, study for sometime and after that i go to bed.
Answer 5,

I woke up at 7 O;clock and then I fresh n up.By 8 O;clock Iate my breakfast. Then at around 9 O;clock I study for2hours. Then at 11 O;clock I watch TV programs for an hour.Then at around 1:30 PM I have my lunch. At around 3 O;clockI take a small nap for 30 minutes. In the evening I go to myfriend,s house and stay there for 1 or 1:1/2 hours. Then by6 PM I drink some tea. Then at 7 O;clock I watch TV and by 8O;clock I have my dinner. Usually I don;t eat much at night.Then at around 10 O;clock, I go to bed.  

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